
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fish Bag

I was in charge of a little craft night a few months ago. I always cringe when I have to pick out crafts for other people. One thing that happens is that it ALWAYS takes longer than I think it will. I wonder how many unfinished projects people have sitting at home because I didn't pick something simpler.

This project was actually supposed to take a little longer. It was just to get the girls started, then they could go home and work on a new skill. I got my inspiration from a magnet board found here.(This website makes me ache to learn to knit.)

Instead of using the fish on a magnet board, since that was way over the budget, I thought it would be fun to attach the fish to a bag. We used snaps so most the fish could be moved around. I thought it would be a fun bag for babysitting or to give to a younger child.

The other girls used blue bags. They didn't have quite enough blue bags at the store, so I bought a green bag for myself. When I got home, I embroidered some blue fleece in a water pattern to get myself a watery look.

After attaching the fish, I used some buttons and embroidery thread to make bubbles/seaweed. I can't wait until my little guy is old enough to play with it.

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