
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Car Seat Tent

With baby #2 on they way, I'm going through the phase where I want to make all those "wish I woulda-hads with the first one" items. One of those things is a car seat cover. I just always used a blanket and could never slide my arm under the handle when the seat got heavy.

I used this tutorial to get me started. There are a lot of them out there, all of them a little different. I liked this one because it was super simple.

The only change I made was that I didn't use flannel for my lining, I just used cotton fabric for both sides.


  1. My friend gave me 2 of these when I had the twins! I LOVED them!! Hers had velcro to attach it to the handle but I love the buttons!!!

  2. It's actually Velcro. The buttons are just for decoration.
