
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lion Brand Crochet

I put off using Lion Brand's crochet patterns, because they wanted my e-mail first. I do have an "alternative" email that I use for my non friends and purchases, but I still try to avoid getting slammed with spam. I finally gave in one day because I desperately wanted to use a flower pattern on their site. I'm happy to say, that opting out of newsletters and things was all it took. I've never gotten a single email from them, but I have access to all their great free patterns. So way to go Lion Brand. I have such respect for people that respect my right to not get emails I don't want.

Anyway, now to actually get to the craft project. Here's a new one for them. I thought it would make a fun thing for a baby to grab.
They just used yarn for the eyes, which is safer for baby. I used plastic eyes because I didn't want my French knots to get chewed off. I guess it'll teach me if my baby gets one of those plastic eyes off.

The pattern is easy to follow and doesn't take long. It's a far less expensive option than similar things you can buy.

My advice for selecting yarn is to choose yarns that have similar thicknesses. I used a dark blue in the middle that was thinner and I had to go back and add extra stitches to make up for the difference in size.

Anyway, now to actually get to the craft project. Here's a new one for them. I thought it would make a fun thing for a baby to grab. They just used yarn for the eyes, which is safer for baby. I used plastic eyes because I didn't want my French knots to get chewed off. I guess it'll teach me if my baby gets one of those plastic eyes off.
The pattern is easy to follow and doesn't take long. It's a far less expensive option than similar things you can buy.
My advice for selecting yarn is to choose yarns that have similar thicknesses. I used a dark blue in the middle that was thinner and I had to go back and add extra stitches to make up for the difference in size.

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